From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Polyclinic may refer to:
1 A clinic, hospital, or health care facility that treats a wide variety of diseases and injuries. When this is a hospital, it is also called a general hospital.
2 A clinic (usually independent of a hospital) that provides both general and specialist examinations and treatments to outpatients.
3 Polyclinics in England, large health care centers able to provide a wider range of services than a standard doctor’s (GP) office.
4 Erroneously used by non-native speakers to refer to the outpatient department of a hospital due to confusion with the term policlinic (which is pronounced the same as polyclinique) because most languages besides English have a single term etymologically related to policlinic that refers to both outpatient clinics that are part of a hospital and outpatient clinics that are independent of a hospital.
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